Global Health Journal Club

Global Health Journal Club

A monthly brown-bag journal club sponsored by the Duke Global Health Institute to discuss current (and sometimes controversial) articles related to global health research, policy, current events, initiatives, methods, and findings.

2013 schedule:
All global health journal clubs will be held from 12-1 p.m. in room Trent 124.

  • January 22: Alyssa Platt and Beth Feingold “Neighbors, maps, and foot paths:  why location matters in global health research” |  Please read articles by Ulises Huerta Munoz and Candace I. J. Nykiforuk
  • February 12: Caroline Hope Griffith, David Toole and Bill Pan “Integrating Population, Health and Environment: Case studies in Uganda, Tanzania and Brazil”
  • March 5 Laurie Abler “Paying money for good behavior: Can cash transfers improve health?”
  • April 9: Eric Green “Where have all the efficacious interventions gone? Thoughts about why scale up is so hard in global health—and what (if anything) we can do about it”