Elena Wilson

Project Coordinator

Elena Wilson



(919) 270-5384

Charlotte - Satellite Office

Elena Wilson

Project Coordinator

Elena Wilson works as a project coordinator for CHPIR programs in Charlotte, North Carolina and throughout the Deep South. She is a project coordinator for the CREW (Community Resources for Empowerment and Wellness) program, which provides substance use and mental health treatment services for PLWH in Charlotte, NC. She also currently works on COMPASS (Commitment to Partnership in Addressing HIV/AIDS in Southern States) evaluating HIV stigma reduction programming and campaigns in the Deep South and in partnership with Duke Law School conducting research on HIV in the Deep South, including studies on HIV care infrastructure, stigma, and trends over time. Since joining CHPIR in 2009, Elena has focused primarily on substance use and mental health, HIV in the South, stigma and LGBTQ populations.