David Boyd
Professor of the Practice Emeritus of Global Health
Hymowitz Family Professor of the Practice Emeritus of Global Health
David Boyd
Professor of the Practice Emeritus of Global Health
Hymowitz Family Professor of the Practice Emeritus of Global Health
Dr. Boyd is Professor of the Practice Emeritus of Global Health at the Institute. An expert in global health, cross-cultural medicine, and indigenous health issues, his work focused primarily in Guatemala, China, and East Africa. He was the inaugural Hymowitz Family Professor of the Practice at DGHI.
Before joining Duke, Dr. Boyd was the Associate Director of the Center for Medicine, Health, and Society at Vanderbilt University and taught courses in global health, public health, and social medicine. He was also the founding executive director of the Center for Health and Healing at St. Vincent Medical Center in Los Angeles.
He has traveled, worked, and researched in over 60 different countries.
Hall BJ, Puente M, Aguilar A, Sico I, Orozco Barrios M, Mendez S, et al. Implementation challenges to patient safety in Guatemala: a mixed methods evaluation. BMJ Qual Saf. 2022 May;31(5):353–63.Sico IP, Hall BJ, Aguilar-González A, Orozco M, Ramirez C, Baumgartner JN, et al. Implementation Analysis of a Perioperative Patient Safety Program in Guatemala. World J Surg. 2020 Jul;44(7):2131–8.Tasnim N, Heneine EM, MacDermod CM, Perez ML, Boyd DL. Assessment of Maya women's knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs on sexually transmitted infections in Guatemala: a qualitative pilot study. BMC women’s health. 2020 Mar;20(1):58.Cai Y, Boyd DL. Effect of a traditional Chinese medicine course for undergraduate nursing students: A pre-/post-test study. Nurse education today. 2018 Nov;70:87–93.
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