Duke East Africa Neurosurgery Program
Start Date:
End Date:
Duke East Africa Neurosurgery Program
Medical team travel support and shipment of perishables for 30-35 surgeries to be performed in the training of clinical engineers, perform awake craniotomies, teach spine instrumention, assist in the training of all levels of medical professionals. We now are in the process through the Division of Global Neurosurgery and Neuroscience and our 36 collaborators to not only provide two service trips and teaching each year but we have multiple ongoing research projects with our Ugandan colleagues.
1) Provide free neurosurgery and training to Uganda Neurosurgery Faculty and Residents 2) Developed a Ugandan Neuosurgery Training Program that currently has two official graduates of the five year program and two more at the Senior level and four new residents at the junior level at Mulago Hospital 3) Expansion into Mbarara Regional Referral Center. First trip was April of 2015.
Development of nation wide Neurosurgery program with home grown trained Ugandan Neurosurgeons.
Last updated on January 10, 2018