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DGHI Communications Toolkit

The DGHI Communications Toolkit is a resource to help DGHI faculty, staff and students communicate about the work of the institute. Here you will find colors, fonts, and style- and photo-guidelines to ensure the consistent, effective use of the DGHI logo, brand and identity. All DGHI communications must comply with Duke University identity standards and policies, as described in the Duke Style Guide. The DGHI logo is available for download below. Templates for other branded materials are intended for official DGHI use only and can be located on the G drive in the branding folder.

DGHI logos

Download DGHI logos (.zip, 3.2mb)




Color can play a powerful role in design by drawing attention, setting the tone for a message and guiding the direction of the viewer. DGHI’s color palette pulls from the Duke color palette and provides visual cohesion across channels and publications throughout the institute. The official Duke blue is a shade of navy blue. Called “Duke Navy Blue” in our palette, it is sometimes referred to as “Academic Blue.” “Duke Royal Blue” is the other shade of blue in the palette and has been in use since 2009 for athletics, apparel and promotional materials. Both shades of blue can be used for DGHI-related materials, both in print and digital.

Duke Navy BluePMS 280Hex #001a57CMYK 100, 95, 4, 42RGB 0, 26, 87
Duke Royal BluePMS 287Hex #00539bCMYK 100, 68, 0, 12RGB 0, 83, 155
PersimmonPMS 129-U / 130-CHex #E89923CMYK 0, 25, 86, 0RGB 240, 153, 5
DandelionPMS 120-U / 121-CHex #FFD960CMYK 0, 8, 66, 0RGB 255, 217, 96
EnoPMS 319-U / CHex #339898CMYK 52, 0, 19, 0RGB 51, 152, 152
GraphitePMS Cool Gray 11-U / CHex #666666CMYK 48, 36, 24, 66RGB 102, 102, 102
GranitePMS Cool Gray 7-U / CHex #B5B5B5CMYK 22, 15, 11, 32RGB 181, 181, 181
LimestonePMS Cool Gray 3-U / CHex #E5E5E5CMYK 7, 4, 6, 14RGB 229, 229, 229


To maintain consistency through all channels and media, a collection of fonts has been selected to convey the DGHI brand through type.

Text Accessibility

Duke is committed to meeting WCAG 2.0 AA accessibility guidelines. Please use Duke's Color Accessibility Guide to identify color combinations that are compliant.

Style and Usage

DGHI communications use Associated Press style. Here are a few of the most common style rules that apply to our work.

  • Academic titles: Capitalize titles only when they precede the titleholder’s name (President Vincent Price, Professor Cathy Jones). Do not capitalize titles that appear after a person’s name except for named professorships (Vincent Price, president of Duke University; Cathy Jones is the James B. Duke Professor of History; Cathy Jones is a professor of history). Do not use titles on second reference (not: Dean Patton, Professor Jones); use surnames only. Also note that many academics have multiple titles, and it may be preferable to use only the title that applies to the context of the reference.
  • Acronyms: Spell out on first reference. Include an acronym in parentheses only if one is used later. Do not use periods (MIT, NIH).
  • Alumnus: An alumnus is a male graduate; an alumna is a female graduate. Alumni are both male and female graduates combined. Alumnae are female graduates. The same endings apply for emeritus, meaning a retired faculty member.
  • Commas: Do not use a serial comma before the final item of a series (red, white and blue). In cases where the series comprises complex clauses or a conjunction is used within the series, the serial comma may be necessary to prevent confusion (choices included steak, fish and chips, and fried chicken).
  • Dashes, hyphens: Many compound adjectives require hyphens to prevent confusion (high-school student, public-education official)Do not put spaces around dashes or hyphens (2-4 p.m., she entered a contest—and she won).
  • Dates: Use Jan., Feb., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov. and Dec. with exact dates. Spell out ranges of time that use only months or years (from January 1995 to December 2004, from 2009 to 2012).
  • Degrees: Duke style differs from AP style on use of degrees and titles, avoiding the awkward distinction AP makes when using Dr. for MDs but not PhDs. Duke style does not use Dr. in any case, but instead cites terminal doctoral degrees after someone's name on first reference (Mary Smith, PhD, or Mary Smith, MD, PhD). When citing a Duke degree for an alumnus or alumna, identify the Duke degree year(s) on first reference. Use degree abbreviations without periods and do not leave a space between abbreviation and class year (BS'05, MS’12, PhD’02). Separate multiple degrees with a comma (Jane Smith MA’94, PhD’99). Do NOT use school abbreviations (T'15, E'02) as those are not commonly understood by external audiences. Also note: Use of non-Duke degree abbreviations is allowable in notices of speakers on flyers or programs.
  • Also note: When used in text, spell out name of degree using lower case (a bachelor’s degree; a master’s degree in computer engineering, a master of fine arts). Use doctorate for PhD degrees. Do not use periods when citing degrees (She has an MS and a PhD).
  • DGHI: Acceptable on second reference for “Duke Global Health Institute” or on first reference in internal communications.
  • DGHI appointments: Include DGHI faculty’s other departmental appointments where appropriate (Jane Smith, a professor of medicine and global health). For DGHI communications, we do not distinguish between affiliate and primary appointments.
  • Doctor: Do not use Doctor or Dr. with someone’s name as a courtesy title. See Degrees, above. 
  • Exclamation points: Should be reserved for emphatic expressions only. Statements with a high degree of surprise, incredulity, alarm or strong emotion merit exclamation points. Avoid using them for routine expressions of enthusiasm (as in, See you there! Looking forward to a great event!). Never use more than one at the end of a sentence.
  • Master of Science in Global Health, MS in Global Health: Use only these references for our master’s degree. Do not use Master’s of/in Global Health. 

Master of Science in Global Health

Master’s degree or master’s student

MS-GH (we are shifting away from MSc-GH)

  • Numbers: Spell out numbers below 10 and use numerals for 10 and above. Use numerals with millions and billions (seven people, 1,000 people, 3 million people). Use numerals for percentages, money and ages (5%, $6, 7-year-olds).
  • Publication titles: Italicize the names of publications. Article titles should appear in quotes.
  • Punctuation: Only one space after a period. Do not put spaces around ellipses, dashes or hyphens. Do not use &, @, / or other uncommon punctuation marks unless they are part of a formal, official title.
  • Schools, departments and centers: Capitalize only the full and complete name of departments, schools, centers and other academic units. Do not use capitals for casual references (Department of Political Science, but political science department; Duke School of Medicine, but the medical school; Duke School of Law, but the law school).
  • Times: List with a.m. and p.m.; do not include :00 for times on the hour (7:30 a.m., 5 p.m.). Use noon and midnight in place of 12 p.m. and 12 a.m. Separate start and end times with a single hyphen without spaces (5-7 p.m., 10 a.m.-2 p.m.).

Ethical Photography Guidelines


  • Be purposeful in deciding when and where to take a photo.
    Ask yourself, "Why am I taking this photo?" or "What am I trying to convey?" Example: Taking a photo of children engaged in an intervention at a school may be appropriate (with proper consent) to capture your field research, but taking a photo of random children on the street because they want their photo taken is generally not appropriate.
  • Before taking a photo with identifiable subjects, obtain verbal or written consent to take the photo and (if applicable) share it publicly.
    When possible, engage a trusted community partner in the consent conversation, especially if you don't speak the local language. When consent is verbally granted but the body language of the subject(s) suggests discomfort, refrain from taking the photo. For children, obtain consent from a parent, caregiver or teacher.
  • Capture scenes authentically.
    ​Staging a photo may be appropriate in some circumstances, but only to recreate an actual scene or interaction.


  • Treat the subject(s) and their community/culture with respect and dignity.
    Will the photo accurately reflect the cultural context? If it will show a negative circumstance, is there a reasonable purpose for capturing the scene?
  • Avoid taking photos that perpetuate a stigmatized or stereotypical view of poverty, disease, helplessness or developing countries.
    While some photos that reflect challenges in a community are acceptable when contextualized appropriately, they should be balanced with photos of positive experiences.


  • When sharing a photo publicly, pair it with a descriptive caption to provide context.
    The caption should include, at minimum, the location, the names and/or positions of subjects (e.g., "Mary" and/or "a community health worker") and a description of what's happening in the photo. Additional context (e.g., how the photo relates to global health and/or a particular DGHI project) can be helpful.

DGHI'S approach to sharing and displaying photos

DGHI communications evaluates photos for sharing (e.g., via social media, email marketing, website, print materials, etc.) and display (e.g., canvas prints on Trent Hall walls) based on the established guidelines.

DGHI communications prioritizes photos that, in combination with a caption, reflect the DGHI faculty/staff/student experience (field research, classroom, events, community-building, etc.) and/or broader work of DGHI, either directly or indirectly.

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