From providing students with unparalleled opportunities to enabling new global partnerships, philanthropic support has a tremendous impact on our work. Donors help ensure we enroll the most qualified students and give them transformative field experiences, an essential part of their development as future global health leaders. Gifts are also critical to attracting the most innovative faculty and ensuring they can work with partners across the world.
Why Global Health?
Donors choose to support global health because they understand that the health of communities everywhere is interconnected and interdependent. If any community, near or far, lacks the ability to prevent or treat disease, it puts everyone at risk. And conversely, when everyone has access to health, economic and social gains follow.
Global health seeks to give all communities, in the U.S. and around the world, the tools to provide equal access to health. We conceptualize global health as an issue of social justice, affected but unbounded by geography. For DGHI, global health matters because you matter.
DGHI director Chris Beyrer discusses our...
Impact of Donor Support
For Student Support
In 2018-19, students received $240,000 in direct philanthropic support
Fieldwork projects
Donors supported 31 student fieldwork projects in 2018-19.
For International Partnerships
Donor support has enabled DGHI to invest more than $1.3 million since 2013 in its priority partnerships, funding research and education collaborations around the world.
Gifts to DGHI Support:
Endowed professorships and chairs are key to DGHI’s ability to recruit and retain the most talented faculty. Having the best teachers and scholars on global health issues enables us to produce groundbreaking research to address health disparities and inspire students to make an impact.
For many students, graduate education is a significant investment—especially for those from low- or middle-income communities. Scholarships enable DGHI to remove financial obstacles for bright, passionate students who want to make a difference in global health. We are particularly proud of our donor-supported scholarships for international students, which help DGHI attract geographically and culturally diverse student classes that bring perspective from all over the world.
Field Experiences
Working in the field is transformational for our students, giving them an unparalleled opportunity to collaborate with DGHI partners around the world on original research, interact with community members and stakeholders, and witness firsthand how they are confronting global health challenges. DGHI has made a commitment to fully fund these important educational experiences for all master’s students, a hallmark of DGHI’s program that would not be possible without the support of donors.
Donor support is critical for DGHI to sustain and deepen its flourishing partnerships with organizations and institutions that are doing seminal global health work around the world. These flexible funds allow DGHI to support organizational activities at partner locations and pursue emerging opportunities, which often lead to eventual grant funding. Philanthropic support also enriches the experience of students at partnership locations by enabling the sites to provide access to the materials and resources grant funding cannot.
Stories of Impact
Ways to Support DGHI
Make a Gift Online
Duke's online giving portal is a simple and secure way to make a gift to the Global Health Innovation Fund, which enables DGHI to address our greatest needs and embrace opportunities not covered by other funds. If you would like to make an alternative gift and need more information about funds better suited to your interests, please email Amy Brackett for assistance.
Send a Check
Checks may be made payable to Duke Global Health Institute and sent to:
Alumni & Development Records
Duke University
Box 90581
Durham, NC 27708
Please include instructions in the memo line as to where/for what purpose your gift should be directed, and/or include a note. Gifts that do not include a specific designation will be used at the discretion of the director in the area of greatest need.
Make a Pledge
Multi-year pledges are an excellent option for those who want to support DGHI over several years. Your pledge will prompt an annual reminder from Duke, or can be set up for auto-withdrawal from a bank account or credit card.
Give Stock
A gift of stock is another way to support our mission. For online instructions, click here, or you can contact the Office of Alumni & Development Records for assistance. To complete your gift, please provide the name of the stock and the number of shares to be transferred, as well as the designation for the gift: Duke Global Health Institute. Also note that, unless otherwise indicated, a stockbroker must be contacted in order to initiate the transaction.
You may also notify DGHI directly by contacting Amy Brackett.
Planned Giving
The Office of Planned Giving at Duke can help you create a gift plan that supports DGHI's mission while fulfilling your personal financial goals.
For example, a Legacy Giving plan may:
- Generate a current income tax deduction
- Provide a life income for yourself and/or loved ones
- Reduce or eliminate income, capital gains and estate taxes
- Provide a more impactful gift to DGHI than previously thought possible
Planned gifts come in a number of forms, including:
- Securities
- Real estate
- Tangible property
- Residences or farms with retained life interest
- Life insurance
- Life income gifts
- Charitable gift annuities
- Charitable remainder trusts
- Pooled income funds
- Testamentary gifts
- Bequest gifts
- Charitable lead trusts
To learn more about legacy giving and other gift planning options at Duke, visit Giving to Duke or call the Office of External Relations at (919) 660-3456.
Matching Gifts
Be sure to ask your employer if your company has a matching gift program. Every year, Duke benefits from the kindness of donors who request matching gifts from their employers.
Payroll Deduction
Duke employees can make charitable contributions to DHI by payroll deduction through Duke@WORK under MyPay.
Our Pledge to Donors
Donors to DGHI are essential to the realization of our vision and mission, and essential to the success and achievement of our students, faculty and staff. As such, they deserve to be honored for their generosity and treated with honesty, respect and professionalism.
To that end, we pledge:
- Donors will be informed of the organization's mission, of the way the organization intends to use donated resources, and of its capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes.
- Philanthropic gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given.
- Donors will receive appropriate acknowledgement and recognition to the best of the institute’s ability.
- Information about donations is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law.
- All relationships with individuals representing DGHI will be professional in nature and adhere to Duke’s ethical standard of conduct.
- Individuals will be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers, DGHI employees or hired solicitors.
- Donors have the opportunity for their names to be deleted from mailing lists that DGHI may intend to share.
- Questions when making a donation will be answered in a truthful and forthright manner, and as promptly as possible.
For more information, please contact Amy Brackett, Director of Development.
Adapted and reprinted with permission from the Association of Fundraising Professionals