The Global Health Research Showcase is an annual celebration of research and experiences led by Duke global health students. Undergraduate and graduate students shared their work at the Thirteenth Annual Global Health Showcase, with 50 students presenting research findings from 16 countries.

At DGHI's annual event, students...
Student Projects
Students have also created project webpages showcasing their work, which will be uploaded here over the next few weeks. Start your virtual journey by exploring some of the student projects that will be featured at our Showcase event. These projects represent a range of global health topics and methods.
Questions and Feedback
Students welcome your questions! The opportunity to explain research projects and answer questions is an important learning experience for our students. Students have provided contact information on their project pages so that you can reach out with comments, questions and reactions. Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts with them.
Poster Contest Winners
Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 Global Health Research Showcase poster contest!
Graduate Student Posters

Winner: Maria Hu
The Impact of Health Literacy Education on Knowledge, Treatment Adherence and Stigma among Adolescents with Epilepsy

Runner-Up: Natalie Matthews
Spatial and Time Trends of Cesarean Deliveries Across Brazil
Undergraduate Student Posters

Winner: SRT Pamlico Team
Assessing Health Challenges and Disaster Preparedness in Pamlico County, NC

Runner-Up: Vaughn-Regan Bledsoe
Using Heat Vulnerability Index to Analyze Low Birth Weight for Babies Due to Higher Temperatures Caused by Environmental Racism in Bronx County, Kings County New York County and Queens County,
Past Showcase Events
Learn more about this event by viewing past Global Health Research Showcase virtual event pages and digital posters.