Undergraduate Courses

For more information and course descriptions, visit https://dukehub.duke.edu

4 Core Courses

  • Fundamentals: GLHLTH 101
  • Ethics: PUBPOL 330/GLHLTH 210, GLHLTH 373S, GLHLTH 341, PHIL 281/GLHLTH 241, GLHLTH 345
  • Research Methods: GLHLTH 371/PSY 309
  • 1 Statistics Course (Any STA course or BIOLOGY 204/304, BME 244, ECON 208D, MATH 230 Probability, PSY 201, PSY 204L/PSY 205L, SOCIOL 333)

1 Capstone Course

  • GLHLTH 499 (All core courses and experiential learning activity must be completed before enrolling in this course)

3 Foundation Courses

(Select one course from three of the four categories)

Arts & Humanities in Global Health

  • CULANTH 424/GLHLTH 321/ICS 424 Medical Anthropology
  • GLHLTH 220S/CULANTH 218S Anthropology & Global Health
  • GLHLTH 302/ICS 295 Global Narratives of Illness & Disability
  • EDU 277S/ETHICS 277S/GLHLTH 277S/PUBPOL 274S/RUS 277S Medical Ethics, Aging, and End of Life Care in the US
  • HISTORY 203/GLHLTH 203 History of Global Health
  • HISTORY 369/SCISOC 369 History of Public Health in America
  • GLHLTH 390 Stories and Medicine
  • GLHLTH 278s Literature and Films of Pandemic 
  • DOCST 331/GLHLTH 331 Documenting US Women's Health Post- Roe V. Wade 
  • HISTORY 371/SCISOC 371 Feast and Famine: Food in Global History 

Global Health Systems and Policy

  • GLHLTH 303 Global Health Systems
  • GLHLTH 306/PUBPOL 324 Global Health Policy
  • PUBPOL 165/SCISOC 165 Introduction to US Health Care System

Natural Science in Global Health

  • EVANTH 285D/GLHLTH 304D Human Health in Evolutionary Perspective
  • BIOLOGY 153/ENV 153/GLHTH 153 Climate, Coffee, and Coronavirus: Why Ecology Matters to Human Health
  • BIOLOGY 154/ICS 103/GLHLTH 154 AIDS & Other Emerging Diseases
  • BIOLOGY 209D Ecology for a Crowded Planet
  • BIOLOGY 209-1 - The Ecology of Human Health
  • AAAS 261D/ SCISOC 258D/GLHLTH 258D/CULANTH 261D/BIO261D/RIGHTS 261D Race, Genomics and Society 

Social Sciences in Global Health

  • CULANTH 211/SCISOC 211/GLHLTH 211 Anthropology of Disability
  • GLHLTH 215/GSF 220 Global Reproductive Health
  • GLHLTH 305 Beyond Health Care: Understanding How Social Drivers Impact Health Around the World
  • SOCIOL 361/GLHLTH 340 Social Determinants of US Health Disparities
  • GLHLTH 363/PSY 323S/CULANTH 323S Fundamentals of Global Mental Health
  • SOCIOL 257/GLHLTH 257/PSY 267 From Madness to Mental Disorders: Sociology of Mental Health
  • PUBPOL 524s Social Determinants of Health Disparities

3 Electives

An elective is defined as:

  • Any course at the 200 level or above with a GLHLTH prefix or GLHLTH cross-listing
  • A preapproved elective or foundation course

Please note:

  • Courses fulfilling the Core requirements may not be counted as electives.
  • Only one global health independent study may count from among GLHLTH 391*, 392, 393*, 395(T) or 396(T): *DUS preapproval required.
  • Courses may NOT double-count within the major.
  • Preapproved study abroad courses may count as electives. Students can view GLHLTH and GLHLTH cross-listed courses here.
  • Both majors and minors are eligible for the same elective courses 

To petition a course not listed on the Major Worksheet for elective credit, please complete the request here. Courses must be approved prior to being taken.

  • AAAS 312/PUBPOL 333/CULANTH 312 War and Public Health in Africa
  • AAAS 343/CULANTH 342/LATAMER 343/SOC 343 Migration and Human Trafficking 
  • AMES 409S/ICS 404S/VMS 238S/AMI 215S Discourse of Disease 
  • BIOLOGY 262/ENVIRON 274 People, Plants and Pollution  
  • BIOLOGY 263 Biological Responses to Climate Change 
  • BIOLOGY 421/NEUROSCI 421S/PSY 477S Biology of Nervous System Diseases  
  • BIOLOGY 452S Genes and Development  
  • BME 230L/GLHLTH 230L Global Women’s Health Technologies 
  • BME 462L Design for the Developing World 
  • CEE 315 Engineering Sustainable Design and the Global Community
  • COMPSCI 260 Introduction to Computational Genomics  
  • CULANTH 216s/Ethics 262s Global Migration and Ethics 
  • CULANTH 271/ICS 203/GSF 217 Gender and Culture  
  • CULANTH 341 Life and Death: Global Perspectives  
  • DANCE 371/VMS 374/MUSIC 371/THEATRST 371 Artists in Healthcare: Collaborations and Complexities 
  • ECON 334/PUBPOL 331 Health Economics
  • ECON 335/GLHLTH 335 Economics of Global Health
  • ENVIRON 360 Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology  
  • ENVIRON 501 Environmental Toxicology  
  • ENVIRON 537 Environmental Health  
  • ENVIRON 538/GLHLTH 538/PUBPOL 582 Global Environmental Health: Economics and Policy  
  • EVANTH 385D/GLHLTH315D Primate Disease Ecology and Global Health
  • GLHLTH 220S/CULANTH 218S Anthropology and Global Health 
  • GLHLTH 226S/CULANTH 229S/ICS 226S/SCISOC 226S Politics of Pandemics
  • GLHLTH 310S/ETHICS 250S Governance and Healthcare 
  • GLHLTH 325S Global Displacement: Voix Francophones  
  • GSF 275/GLHLTH 225/ENVIRON 209 Food, Farming and Feminism 
  • GSF 369s/ICS 208 Transnational Feminism  
  • GSF 401/LIT 430/PUBPOL 315 Gender and the Law  
  • HISTORY 235/GLHLTH 235/ICS 237 Drugs, Chemicals, and Health
  • HISTORY 239/AMES 142/GLHLTH 142 History of Chinese Medicine
  • HISTORY 265 Madness and Society in Historical Perspective 
  • HISTORY 345/Pubpol 278/ICS 340 North American Environmental History
  • HISTORY 370 Twentieth-Century American Medicine 
  • HISTORY 548S/GLHLTH 548S Global History of Medicine  
  • I&E 263S/GLHLTH 273S Entrepreneurial Problem Solving in Global Health 
  • IMMUNOL 544/ BIOLOGY 515 Principles of Immunology  
  • NEUROSCI 380L/PSY 375 Functional Anatomy of the Human Brain  
  • PHARM 360/PSY 274/NEUROSCI 360 Drugs, Brain and Behavior 
  • PSY 206 Alcohol: Brain, Individual, and Society 
  • PSY 207 Child Clinical Psychology  
  • PSY 220 The Psychology of Gender  
  • PSY 211/GLHLTH 261/ICS 211 Psychology of Health Behavior Change  
  • PSY 273/NEUROSCI 363 Behavior and Neurochemistry  
  • PSY 276/NEUROSCI 211D Brain and Behavior 
  • PSY 277/NEUROSCI 277 Looking Inside the Disordered Brain  
  • PSY 306 Research Methods Clinical Psychology 
  • PSY 316S/GSF 235S Clinical Considerations with the LGBTQ+ Community
  • PSY 410S Community-Based Interventions  
  • PUBPOL 580S/GLHLTH 533S/ENVIRON 543S/ICS 580S Water, Cooperation and Conflict  
  • PUBPOL 642S/GLHLTH 642S Designing Innovation for Global Health: From Philanthropy to People  
  • SOCIOL 250 Medical Sociology 
  • SOCIOL 255 Sociology of Immigration and Health 
  • SOCIOL 257S Sociology of Mental Health   
  • SOCIOL 263 Aging and Health  
  • SPANISH 306/LSGS 306/GLHLTH 326 Health, Culture and the Latino Community