Analysis: Are We on Track to Achieve SDG Goals for Maternal and Child Health?

This mother and baby in Sierra Leone are among hundreds waiting in line at 8am for a children's hospital to open.

This mother and baby in Sierra Leone are among hundreds waiting in line at 8am for a children's hospital to open. Sierra Leone is one of the countries not on track to meet maternal and child health targets. Photo by Robert Yates, Department for International Development. Accessed via Wikipedia Commons.

Published February 27, 2018, last updated on June 3, 2020 under Research News

Seventy-nine countries are off track to meet ambitious global health targets for maternal and child health, according to an analysis by researchers from the Brookings Institution and the Duke Global Health Institute (DGHI). If those countries were to recover and accelerate their progress according to the targets, the authors note, 11.8 million lives—1.6 million mothers and 10.2 million children—could be saved. 

To arrive at these numbers, John McArthur and Krista Rasmussen of the Brookings Institution and Gavin Yamey of DGHI examined trends in child and maternal mortality and extrapolated them forward to 2030. 

They examined how their findings stacked up against targets in the third Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), “ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.” Adopted by United Nations member states in 2015, the SDGs established a road map for ending poverty, fostering good health, fighting inequalities and tacking climate change by 2030.

The global health community has made tremendous progress in maternal and child health initiatives in recent years, but vexing challenges persist in many countries. Nigeria, Pakistan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the researchers note, will face the steepest uphill battle, together accounting for close to seven million, or 57 percent, of the lives at stake.


Countries that are off track for 2030 targets for maternal or child mortality

McArthur, Rasmussen and Yamey offer strategies to step up progress on these targets. Most important, they say, is to scale up integrated packages of evidence-based health interventions for reproductive health, maternal and newborn health and child health. Other recommendations include improving the collection and use of evidence to inform health policy and scaling up investments in developing new health technologies, such as low-cost, reusable and easy to use resuscitators to improve newborn survival in low-resource settings. They note that policies outside the health sector, such as those directed at increasing access to clean water and expanding girls’ education, will also contribute to progress.

McArthur and Yamey discussed their findings in a “BMJ talk medicine” podcast with Duncan Jarvis at The BMJ, where the analysis was published. Listen to the podcast.

Read the article.

The global health community has made tremendous progress in maternal and child health initiatives in recent years, but vexing challenges persist in many countries.

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