Alicia Andrews

Project Coordinator

Alicia Andrews

Project Coordinator

Alicia Andrews (she/her) is a Project Coordinator for the grant-funded Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP), awarded by NCDHHS Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative (TPPI). Alicia joined the team in October 2022. As the Project Coordinator for the PREP Out of Home Care program, she is responsible for planning, coordinating and administering evidence-based interventions for teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection prevention. PREP focuses on implementing the Making Proud Choices-Youth in Out of Home Care evidence-based curriculum to adjudicated and at-risk adolescents living in transitional facilities in Montgomery and Vance Counties in North Carolina.

Within her first month of employment with the program, Alicia assisted with coordinating, writing and acquiring adolescent pregnancy prevention program (AP3) funding from NCDHHS TPPI to expand sexual health education and resources to underserved parts of Eastern NC, in Pitt and Greene Counties’ Boys and Girls Club Coastal Plain units for FY 2023-2027. Alicia’s goal is to continue supporting CHPIR and DGHI with her expertise in sexuality education and program development by providing innovative strategies and rich connections to expand sexual health education and resources for underserved, rural areas, like Eastern NC to promote positive, healthy sexual growth development for adolescents within these marginalized populations.