Amy Finnegan
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Global Health
Amy Finnegan
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Global Health
Amy Finnegan, PhD, is Deputy Director, Data Science at IntraHealth International. She applies emerging digital health technologies, optimization and operations research, and big data methodologies to problems in global health like HIV/AIDS and reproductive health. Her work seeks to improve program implementation, nurture the data science skills of LMIC professionals and students, and advance the literature on the use of big data and data science methods in global health. She is an expert in R, geospatial modeling, continuous quality improvement, and business intelligence tools (Power BI/Power Query).
Puffer ES, Finnegan A, Schenk K, Langhaug L, Rusakaniko S, Choi Y, et al. Comparing fears about paediatric HIV disclosure to the lived experiences of parents and guardians: a prospective cohort study. Psychology & health. 2023 Nov;38(12):1587–605.Finnegan A, Muriuki J, Thuku M. Investments in human resources management and development (HRM&D) and data use are correlated with reduced absenteeism in Kenya. Center for Open Science. 2023.Johnson SL, Rieder A, Green EP, Finnegan A, Chase RM, Zayzay J, et al. Parenting in a conflict-affected setting: Discipline practices, parent-child interactions, and parenting stress in Liberia. Journal of family psychology : JFP : journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43). 2023 Apr;37(3):283–94.Finnegan A, Biru B, Taylor A, Rajan S, Udayakumar K, Baumgartner JN. Improving global maternal and newborn survival via innovation: Stakeholder perspectives on the Saving Lives at Birth Grand Challenge. PloS one. 2021 Jan;16(7):e0254589.
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