Mark Janko
Assistant Research Professor of Global Health
Mark Janko
Assistant Research Professor of Global Health
Mark Janko is an Assistant Professor of Climate Change and Global Health at DGHI, where he is one of the founding PIs of the Amazon Research Consortium for Climate Change and One Health (, a multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional, multi-country Climate and Health Observatory. A Geographer and Biostatistician by training, his work largely focuses on how climate and environmental variability shape demographic and health outcomes, and he has spent over a decade working in the Amazon and Congo Basins, mostly on malaria, land use, and climate. Since joining the Duke faculty, he has expanded his research. He is leading studies on climate adaptation, human mobility (including migration), and diffusion of vector-borne diseases and viruses of pandemic and panzootic potential in other tropical ecosystems. Finally, he developed and currently teaches DGHI's first undergraduate course on Climate Change and Global Health.
Barrett TM, Titcomb GC, Janko MM, Pender M, Kauffman K, Solis A, et al. Disentangling social, environmental, and zoonotic transmission pathways of a gastrointestinal protozoan (Blastocystis spp.) in northeast Madagascar. American journal of biological anthropology. 2024 Nov;185(3):e25030.Titcomb G, Uelmen J, Janko M, Nunn C. Infectious disease responses to human climate change adaptations. Global change biology. 2024 Aug;30(8):e17433.Mitchell CL, Janko MM, Verity R, Kashamuka MM, Bailey JA, Tshefu AK, et al. Close Proximity to Mining Is Associated with Increased Prevalence of the Drug Resistance-Associated Mutation dhps540E in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene. 2024 Aug;111(2):361–4.Navuluri N, Kussin PS, Egger JR, Birgen E, Kitur S, Thielman NM, et al. Tuberculosis Is Associated with Chronic Hypoxemia among Kenyan Adults (CHAKA): A Case-Control Study. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2024 Aug;21(8):1176–85.
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