Donald H. Taylor, Jr.

Director, Social Science Research Institute

Professor in the Sanford School of Public Policy

Professor in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health

Affiliate, Duke Global Health Institute

Don Taylor


(919) 613-9357

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Donald H. Taylor, Jr.

Director, Social Science Research Institute

Professor in the Sanford School of Public Policy

Professor in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health

Affiliate, Duke Global Health Institute

Don Taylor is a professor of Public Policy at Duke University and a founding faculty member of the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy, among numerous other Duke University affiliations. He currently chairs the Duke University Academic Council.

Most of his ongoing research is in the area of end of life policy with a focus on patient decision making and Medicare policy on hospice and palliative care. He has served on national committees including National Academies Committee on Health Care Utilization and Adults with Disabilities and the HRSA Negotiated Rulemaking Committee that was created by the Affordable Care Act to reconsider how the federal government identifies Health Professional Shortage Areas and Medically Underserved Areas.
