Supporting Commissioned Research through Healthy Eating Research
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- University of Minnesota
Start Date:
End Date:
Supporting Commissioned Research through Healthy Eating Research
The Healthy Eating Research (HER) program funds scientifically rigorous, solution-oriented proposals from investigators representing diverse disciplines and backgrounds. This research examines the influence of the most potent, modifiable environmental and policy factors to reduce obesity in children, focusing on youth ages 0 to 18 and their families, with a special emphasis on high-risk, lower-income, and racial and ethnic minority populations. Findings are expected to advance RWJF's efforts to reverse the childhood obesity epidemic and help all children achieve a healthy weight. In addition to traditional grant making, HER commissions strategic, timely research products such as small-scale studies and analyses, research reviews, issue briefs, papers, and expert panels. These products and activities aid in building the evidence base and supplying information needed to practitioners, advocates, policymakers, and other decision-makers. With this grant, HER will fund commissioned research on environmental and policy strategies with strong potential to promote healthy eating among children to prevent childhood obesity with a specific focus on underserved, lower-income and racial/ ethnic minority children and their families. We anticipate commissioning 10-14 studies at $15,000-$75,000 each as well as several research projects and products at smaller dollar amounts. Funded studies will be for duration of up to twelve months. Deliverables vary and may include a report, manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals, white papers, reports with recommendations, webinars, research and policy briefs, and stakeholder convenings with consensus-based recommendations. Key partners and consultants will be engaged in this work and research findings will be disseminated strategically, in coordination with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to rapidly and effectively convey research findings and products funded through this grant to key audiences and stakeholders (e.g. public health and community advocates, policymakers, community leaders, minority service organizations, other researchers, the media, and the public), as well as to engage them up front to assure high relevance and applicability of HER's research agenda. HER will continue to promote and drive traffic to the program's website and to continue to develop a robust social media strategy to complement research dissemination activities. Success will be measured in a number of ways, including providing timely evidence to help inform RWJF on issues relevant to the Foundation's policy priorities; through outside evaluation activities; and via a variety of research dissemination metrics which can be gleaned from HER's website, email distribution lists, and social media.
Last updated on January 10, 2018