Tanzanian Adolescent HIV Prevention and Treatment Implementation Science Alliance (T-AHISA)
- AHISA Small Collaborative Contracts
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Tanzanian Adolescent HIV Prevention and Treatment Implementation Science Alliance (T-AHISA)
T-AHISA is a Tanzania based network branch of the global adolescent HIV prevention and treatment implementation science alliance (AHISA). T-AHISA aims to bring together local stakeholders including key members from the Ministry of Health (policy makers), implementers (government and non-governmental organizations), researchers (academic institutions), and youth (youth HIV advocates) who work to improve prevention and treatment of HIV among adolescents in Tanzania. Together, we discuss evidence-based interventions, government priorities, local research findings, and ways in which implementation science research (ISR) can best move the adolescent HIV needle towards an AIDS free generation in our country. As part of this initiative, we also strive to build the next cadre of ISR researchers and inform policy makers about the critical importance of ISR in adolescent HIV programs.
Last updated on September 19, 2022