Stigma Reduction Strategies for HPV and Cervical Cancer Screening Using Focus Group Discussions in Kisumu, Kenya

Project member(s):
Cassidy Connett
Madeline McNee
Avanti Shah
Saisahana Subburaj
Faculty mentor:
Community partners:
Duke Center for Global Reproductive Health - Kisumu Office
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Stigma Reduction Strategies for HPV and Cervical Cancer Screening Using Focus Group Discussions in Kisumu, Kenya
Project overview
This study sought to understand women’s experience with stigma related to HPV and cervical cancer health education and messaging to inform stigma-reduction strategies for cervical cancer prevention in women of Kisumu, Kenya. We were able to identify sources of stigma and effective educational strategies through three focus group discussions with women from the target group and community health volunteers. We aim for these strategies to be implemented in an educational intervention.
Last updated on June 26, 2023