Since 2009, DGHI has developed sustained partnerships within the government, academic and nonprofit sectors in China, resulting in many research, education and clinical programs. Our key linkages are in Beijing, Shanghai and Kunshan, particularly through the Peking University Health Science Center, Fudan University’s Institute of Global Health and Duke Kunshan University, which hosts the Duke Kunshan Global Health Research Center (GHRC).
As one of the leading global health research institutes in China, the GHRC is a strong partner for DGHI in promoting interdisciplinary collaborations and applying cutting-edge knowledge to important health problems. The Hubert-Yeargan Center for Global Health has also maintained strong collaboration with the Beijing Hospital in order to provide Duke residents with opportunities to participate in elective clinical rotations.
Research collaborations in China have focused on global health governance, chronic diseases, environmental health, health systems strengthening and policy research, and infectious diseases. Other projects focus on trauma and injury care, digital health, One Health, maternal health and medical education. Shenglan Tang, professor of population health science, is central to many of our projects in China; in 2019, he led the development of DGHI's first capacity training program for senior Chinese officials.
Key Faculty

Shenglan Tang
Academic Co-Director of Global Health, Duke Kunshan University

Gavin Yamey
Hymowitz Family Professor of the Practice in Global Health
- Tsinghua University School of Architecture
- Beijing Institute of Microbiology & Epidemiology
- Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences
- Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital
- Peking University
- National Development Research Institute
- Beijing Chest Hospital
- National Health and Family Planning Commission Centre for Health Statistics and Information
- China Center for Disease Control and Prevention
- Beijing Hospital
- Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- Fudan Global Health Institute
- Children’s Hospital of Fudan University
- National Institute of Parasitic Diseases/China CDC
- Duke Kunshan University
Duke Entities
DGHI centers:
- Duke Kunshan University Global Health Research Center
- Duke One Health
- Hubert-Yeargan Center for Global Health
- Nicholas School of the Environment
- Pratt School of Engineering (Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering)
- School of Medicine (Community and Family Medicine, Infectious Diseases, OB/GYN, Pediatrics)
Research News
Training Program Aims to Build Capacity for Stroke Research in China
Along with partners at Peking University in China, the Duke Global Health Institute and Duke Clinical Research Institute are working to train Chinese physicians in stroke-focused clinical research. Stroke is a leading cause of death in China, and...
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