Michael Haglund, professor of surgery and neurobiology, has joined the faculty of the Duke Global Health Institute.
Haglund, who had been active with DGHI for several years as an affiliate, leads a twinning program combining delivery of surplus equipment and surgical training camps at New Mulago Hospital in Kampala, Uganda. Haglund’s latest research shows the twinning program not only built overall surgical capacity at the hospital, but also improved efficiency and increased the complexity of cases performed by Ugandan neurosurgeons.
New Mulago Hospital operating rooms were newly renovated and equipped with 21 tons of essential medical equipment valued at $4 million via the Duke Global Health PLUS (Placement of Life-changing Usable Surplus) Program. Prior to the GH PLUS program, the hospital had only one functioning ventilator and very limited monitoring and surgical equipment. The Global Health PLUS program is housed in the Duke Global Health Institute, and is part of a larger surplus program of Duke University and Duke Medicine organized through Duke University Procurement.
Haglund’s neurosurgery program is also featured in a recent publication by Duke Raleigh Hospital.
DGHI faculty members serve three-year terms.