By Kelsey Sumner
“That is such a good experience!” “You must’ve had the best summer.” “Did you just love it?” In the past month I’ve been back from Nicaragua, I’ve gotten hundreds of comments like these about my trip. My eight weeks in Siuna was a mix of emotions so I never knew how to respond. Yes, some moments were full of happiness and laugher. Yet, others were sad and troubling, especially when women in the shelter would share their stories of abuse.
The GlobeMed GROW team accomplished a lot in the eight weeks we were in Siuna, Nicaragua. We collected hours of interviews from everyone in the community involved in the shelter, including the director, volunteer psychologists and nurses, court judges, and more. We are using the footage to compile a documentary about domestic violence and Machismo in the rural areas of Nicaragua. We completed a painting exchange program with the children in Siuna and brought their paintings back to Durham for the students in the John Avery Boys’ and Girls’ Club. Throughout our time, we led photography classes about pollution with children in Siuna, hosting a final exhibit for some of the most influential people in the town to promote the use of a trash pick up system. We also worked in the domestic violence shelter and spread awareness of domestic violence and HIV through a weekly radio program. High school students in the community helped host each show, which made it so much fun! We would always jump out of our seats during the music breaks for a quick salsa lesson.
All of these projects took a lot of time and effort, but I think we made an impact in the community, even if it was just with those listening to the radio program or the children we worked with; however, I think Siuna made a bigger impact on me. I will always remember dancing in the streets during el Día de la Madre festival, the women in the shelter giggling at my attempts to make tortillas by hand, and the gracious welcome ceremony Salud Sin Límites had for the GROW team. The next time someone asks me “How was Nicaragua?” I know what to say. It was unforgettable.