Impact of Infrastructure and Training on Neurosurgery Results at New Mulago Hospital

- Duke Global Health Institute
- Mulago Hospital
End Date:
Impact of Infrastructure and Training on Neurosurgery Results at New Mulago Hospital
We have spent the lasteight years in Uganda building the infrastructure in the operating rooms (four), recovery room beds (6), and intensive care unit (6 beds). We have trained operating room nurses, and nurses in the recovery room, intensive care, and on the regular floor. We have brought $6,250,000 in used and new equipment to Mulago Hospital and raised over $925,000 in donations, of which initial seed funds were from the Duke Global Surgery and Global Health Institute, as well as the Division of Neurosurgery and industry sponsors. In our five trips we have performed 252 neurosurgical and spinal orthopedic procedures, and screened over 1,225 patients. Most importantly, we have trained the Uganda surgeons in key cases that they can now perform with our training and equipment. We have formed an East African Neurosurgery Training Program to train Ugandan surgeons in neurosurgery and then have them go to the Regional Hospitals to provide neurosurgical care to the far reaches of the country of 30 million, of which only 4.5 million live with reach of the capital city of Kampala where the national hospital, Mulago, is located. The Duke Global Surgery Uganda project goes twice yearly with teams of 20-25 medical personnel. Dr. Haglund currently Co-Directs the East African Neurosurgery Training Program of 3 current Ugandan neurosurgery residents with a goal of getting to 8 trainees in the program and 22 neurosurgeons across the country by 2022.
Last updated on June 3, 2020