Lynch Fudan Pilot
Lynch Fudan Pilot
Validation of high road utilizer surveys as a data source for spatial analysis of road traffic crashes among vulnerable road users in Sri Lanka and Rwanda. Specific Objectives: 1. Determine the location of hot spots for vulnerable road user road traffic crashes (VRU RTCs) based on existing police records 2. Determine location of hot spots for VRU RTCs based on high road utilizer surveys (%u201Ccrowd-sourcing%u201D) 3. Determine the association between spatial analysis of hotspot location by survey and by police data 4. Compare and contrast data and experiences from Sri Lanka and Rwanda.
We have had numerous abstracts presented at US and international international conferences including our Sri Lankan colleagues presenting an abstract at the European Society of Emergency Medicine in Torino, Italy October 2015 on our Sri Lankan results. We have two papers submitted on these results and 3 nearly ready for submission.
Last updated on January 10, 2018