SHARE Child Pakistan
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End Date:
SHARE Child Pakistan
Every year millions of children begin a compromised developmental trajectory resulting from exposure to maternal depression. In recent years, compelling evidence that maternal depression leads to worse developmental outcomes in the child has prompted a dramatic increase in efforts to ameliorate it. However, empirical evidence linking depression treatment to improved developmental trajectories in offspring is far from robust. The evidence is lacking due to several methodological limitations of previous studies, namely, insufficient follow-up, lack of appropriate control group, and/or lack of attention to the psychological and behavioral mechanisms underlying the impact of interventions on both the mother and child. The SHARE Child Pakistan study is an innovative study designed to study a cohort of more than 1000 children born in 2014-2016 in rural Pakistan, half born to perinatally depressed and half born to perinatally non-depressed mothers. We wish to determine what are the expected socio and emotional developmental trajectories of infants born to perinatally non-depressed mothers to use as an anchor point of comparison for those of perinatally depressed mothers. Similarly, we hope to determine whether the trajectories of infants whose perinatally depressed mothers participate in a cognitivebehavioral therapy program converge to those of the on-depressed mothers. This project will additionally help us to identify mediators of any pathways and to hopefully identify mechanisms that can be targeted in future studies. The work to be completed by the DGHI biostatistics team is essential for the success of the parent R01 grant. Specifically, Liz Turner will continue her role as faculty biostatistician and John Gallis his role as study biostatistician. We will continue with weekly meetings with the Pakistan team, with data processing, data preparation, the development of statistical analysis plans, the execution of statistical analyses, the development and writing of papers and with contributions to capacity building of our Pakistani collaborators.
Last updated on January 10, 2018