WISER, The Women's Institute for Secondary Education and Research




  • Robertson Foundation


  • Women's Institute for Secondary Education and Research

Start Date:

End Date:

  • Ongoing

WISER, The Women's Institute for Secondary Education and Research

WISER is a community development organization focusing on the social empowerment of underprivileged girls through education and health. Specific objectives are to: * To increase the social empowerment of girls orphaned by AIDS as they prepare to transition to adult life. * To reduce HIV risk and unplanned pregnancies of girls orphaned by AIDS by reducing the need for transactional sex or relationships due to low self-esteem. * To support and coordinate post-graduation education and training for orphans interested in entering the health care workforce.

WISER works with a population of girls at high risk for HIV infection, early pregnancy, and child marriages. Girls involved in our intervention have a 90% reduction in pregnancy rates and HIV risk compared to control groups, have improved mental health, and transition to healthy adulthood with education or employment.

WISER has demonstrated that reducing school-related gender based violence has a significant impact on the academic and health outcomes of adolescent girls.

Last updated on January 10, 2018