Six New Global Health Grants Awarded

Our quarterly roundup of new research grants awarded to DGHI professors

Grants Roundup

By Alicia Banks

Published April 26, 2023 under Research News

Six DGHI faculty received external research grants with a combined value of more than $1.2 million during the first quarter of 2023. These reflect grants processed by DGHI's research team and do not include other global health-related grants acquired through other Duke units or schools. The funding will sponsor global health research in areas such as malaria and HIV vaccine trials. See below for more information on the grant awardees and their work:

Recipient: Chris Beyrer
Project Title: HIV Vaccine Trial Network (HVTN) Scientific Liaison
Sponsor: Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center/National Institutes of Health’s Powering Research Through Innovative Methods for Mixtures in Epidemiology (PRIME) Program
Award Amount: $31,915


Recipient: Marc Jeuland
Project Title: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Thought Leadership
Sponsor: University of Gothenburg/Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
Award Amount: $35,986


Recipient: Christine Markwalter
Project Title: Synthesizing immunoinformatics and genetic epidemiology to identify signatures of natural functional immunity to malaria parasites
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health K01
Award Amount: $598,770


Recipient: Bill Pan
Project Title: A Consortium to Effectively Respond to Climate-Attributable Risks – Malaria Elimination (ACERCAR-ME)
Sponsor: Duke Endowment
Award Amount: $408,502


Recipient: Nathan Thielman
Project Title: Confidential Social Network Referrals for HIV Testing (CONSORT)
Sponsor: University of South Carolina/National Institutes of Health
Award Amount: $55,886

Recipient: Krishna Udayakumar
Project Title: Market Dynamics Ecosystems Thought Leadership (META)
Sponsor: Linksbridge SPC/Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Award Amount: $68,952

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