Sumedha Ariely
Associate Professor of the Practice of Global Health
Sumedha Ariely
Associate Professor of the Practice of Global Health
Sumi Gupta Ariely serves as an Associate Professor of the Practice in Global Health and teaches a variety of courses, including global health research methods and global health ethics. Dr. Ariely holds a PhD in Psychology with a focus on cognitive development and culture. She has international experience with global health issues in a variety of contexts (US, West and East Africa, South and East Asia) and has worked on maternal, child, adolescent health, and community health development. As a developmental psychologist she is interested in the relations between cultural, social, and biological factors on health behaviors and outcomes. She has taken an additional role as faculty lead for DGHI's Local Research and Service focus. This connects to her and other faculty's long-standing interest in prioritizing the 'Local-is-Global' approach to GH.
Distance-based, Executive- style Degree Completion Program for Ghanaian Nurse Anesthetists
Mama na Dada: Nutrition and Cognition in Kunya village
Naama Community Health Collaboration
Project Heal: PeaceWorks, Helping Honduras Kids
Stillbirths and Neonatal Mortality in Project villages of the comprehensive Rural health Project
Gray CL, Ariely S, Pence BW, Whetten K. Why institutions matter: Empirical data from five low- and middle-income countries indicate the critical role of institutions for orphans. In: Child Maltreatment in Residential Care: History, Research, and Current Practice. 2017. p. 379–400.Messer LC, Whetten K, Ostermann J, Pence BW, Ariely S, O’Donnell K, et al. Three-year Change in the Wellbeing of Orphaned and Abandoned Children in Institutional and Family-Based Care Settings in Five Low and Middle Income Countries. In: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY. OXFORD UNIV PRESS; 2015. p. 216–7.Whetten K, Ostermann J, Pence BW, Whetten RA, Messer LC, Ariely S, et al. Three-year change in the wellbeing of orphaned and separated children in institutional and family-based care settings in five low- and middle-income countries. PLoS One. 2014;9(8):e104872.Banzaert A, Ariely SG, Wallace DR. Incorporating open-ended, service-oriented projects into a senior product design class: Methodology and outcomes. In: Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference. 2006.
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