Thirty-seven DGHI-affiliated authors—including faculty, staff and alumni—recently shared new discoveries on a variety of global health topics in peer-reviewed publications. Click on the article links below to learn more:
Subhashini Chandrasekharan
- The Hastings Center Report – Toward an Ethically Sensitive Implementation of Noninvasive Prenatal Screening in the Global Context
Karmel Choi (DGHI doctoral scholar), Kathleen Sikkema, Melissa Watt
- Journal of Affective Disorders – Maternal Childhood Trauma, Postpartum Depression, and Infant Outcomes: Avoidant Affective Processing as a Potential Mechanism
Lauren Franz
Barton Haynes
- Cell Reports – Vaccine Elicitation of High Mannose-Dependent Neutralizing Antibodies against the V3-Glycan Broadly Neutralizing Epitope in Nonhuman Primates
- Nature – Zika Virus Protection by a Single Low-Dose Nucleoside-Modified mRNA Vaccination
- Science – Developing an HIV Vaccine
- Science Translational Medicine – Mimicry of an HIV Broadly Neutralizing Antibody Epitope with a Synthetic Glycopeptide
- Science Translational Medicine – Staged Induction of HIV-1 Glycan–Dependent Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies
Brandon Kohrt
- The Lancet – Non-Communicable Disease Syndemics: Poverty, Depression, and Diabetes among Low-Income Populations
Laura Lewandowski (MSc-GH alumna), Melissa Watt, Nathan Thielman
- Pediatric Rheumatology – Missed Opportunities for Timely Diagnosis of Pediatric Lupus in South Africa: A Qualitative Study
Jenna Mueller (MSc-GH alumna), Christopher Lam (MSc-GH alumnus and DGHI doctoral scholar), John Schmitt, Nimmi Ramanujam
- Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease – International Image Concordance Study to Compare a Point-of-Care Tampon Colposcope with a Standard-of-Care Colposcope
Subhrendu Pattanayak
- Environment and Development Economics – Explaining Environmental Health Behaviors: Evidence from Rural India on the Influence of Discount Rates
- Global Environmental Change – Building the Evidence Base for REDD+: Study Design and Methods for Evaluating the Impacts of Conservation Interventions on Local Well-Being
Sallie Permar
- Clinical and Vaccine Immunology – Plasmablast Response to Primary Rhesus Cytomegalovirus Infection in a Monkey Model of Congenital CMV Transmission
Eve Puffer
Megan Ramaiya (MSc-GH alumna), Brandon Kohrt
- Cognitive and Behavioral Practice – A Cultural Adaptation of Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Nepal
Indrani Saran
Ryan Simmons, Wendy Prudhomme-O'Meara
- Scientific Reports – A Retrospective Cohort Study to Quantify the Contribution of Health Systems to Child Survival in Kenya: 1996-2014
Dori Steinberg, Gary Bennett
L. Gayani Tillekeratne, Kearsley Stewart, Melissa Watt, Truls Østbye, Christopher Woods
- BMC Family Practice – Antibiotic Overuse for Acute Respiratory Tract Infections in Sri Lanka: A Qualitative Study of Outpatients and their Physicians
Georgia Tomaras, Guido Ferrari, Barton Haynes
- AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses – HIV-1 Consensus Envelope-Induced Broadly Binding Antibodies
Sherri Towe, Christina Meade
- Journal of Neurovirology – Cocaine Dependence Does not Contribute Substantially to White Matter Abnormalities in HIV Infection
Tu Tran (MSc-GH alumnus), Anthony Fuller (MSc-GH alumnus), Michael Haglund, Emily Smith
Faraz Usmani (DGHI doctoral scholar), Marc Jeuland
- Environmental Research Letters – Can Economic Incentives Enhance Adoption and Use of a Household Energy Technology? Evidence from a Pilot Study in Cambodia
Chris Woods
DGHI faculty, affiliates, and scholars: Want your publications listed in the monthly Research Roundup? Email the communications team with the citation or a link to the article!