Thirty-one DGHI-affiliated authors—including faculty, staff and alumni—recently shared new discoveries on a variety of global health topics in peer-reviewed publications. Click on the article links below to learn more:
Mercy Nyamewaa Asiedu (DGHI doctoral scholar), Jenna Mueller (DGHI doctoral certificate alumna), Christopher Lam (DGHI doctoral scholar), John Schmitt, Nimmi Ramanujam
- IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering – Development of Algorithms for Automated Detection of Cervical Pre-cancers with a Low-cost, Point-of-care, Pocket Colposcope
John Bartlett, Blandina Theophil Mmbaga (DGHI adjunct)
- Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology – Prevalence and Outcome of HIV-associated Malignancies Among HIV-infected Children Enrolled into Care at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center 2006 to 2014: A Hospital-based Retrospective Analytical Study
John Bartlett, Gita Suneja
Jane Blood-Siegfried
- Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing – Virtual Orientation of Volunteer Short-term International Health Teams to Increase Self-confidence and Cultural and Global Health Competence
Matthew Boyce (MS alumnus)
Tessa Concepcion (MS alumna), Tamara Fitzgerald, Henry Rice, Emily Smith (DGHI adjuct)
- World Journal of Surgery – Global Initiative for Children's Surgery: A Model of Global Collaboration to Advance the Surgical Care of Children
Tessa Concepcion (MS alumna), Henry Rice, Emily Smith
- JAMA Network Open – Prevalence of Pediatric Surgical Conditions across Somaliland
Geraldine Dawson
- IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing – A Scalable Off-the-shelf Framework for Measuring Patterns of Attention in Young Children and Its Application in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Dorothy Dow, Blandina Theophil Mmbaga (DGHI adjunct), Elizabeth Turner, Coleen Cunningham, Karen O'Donnell
Susan Emmett
Sophie Galson (MS alumna), Julian Hertz (MS student), Nathan Thielman, Catherine Staton
Jennifer Headley, Joy Noel Baumgartner
Julian Hertz (MS student), Deng Madut (MS alumnus), Ryan Simmons, Sophie Galson (MS alumna), Gerald Bloomfield, John Crump (adjunct faculty), Matthew Rubach
- American Heart Journal – Knowledge of Myocardial Infarction Symptoms and Perceptions of Self-risk in Tanzania
Julian Hertz (MS student), Deng Madut (MS alumnus), Ryan Simmons, Sophie Galson (MS alumna), John Crump (adjunct faculty), Matthew Rubach
- Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene – Self-medication with Non-prescribed Pharmaceutical Agents in an Area of Low Malaria Transmission in Northern Tanzania: A Community-based Survey
Julian Hertz (MS student), Joao Ricardo Vissoci, Catherine Staton
Mark Janko (postdoctoral fellow), Paul Lantos
- Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities – Beyond the Window: Patient Characteristics and Geographic Locations Associated with Late Prenatal Care in Women Eligible for 17-P Preterm Birth Prevention
Marc Jeuland
- Ecological Economics – Valuing the Environmental Costs of Local Development: Evidence from Households in Western Nepal
- International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health – Biomonitoring of Metals and Trace Elements in Urine of Central Ethiopian Populations
Sara LeGrand
David Matchar
- BMC Health Services Research – Systems Modelling as an Approach for Understanding and Building Consensus on Non-communicable Diseases (NCD) Management in Cambodia
Rae Jean Proeschold-Bell, David Eagle, Heather Parnell, Blen Biru (MS alumna), Kathryn Whetten
- Children and Youth Services Review – Caring and Thriving: An International Qualitative Study of Caregivers of Orphaned and Vulnerable Children and Strategies to Sustain Positive Mental Health
Michael Relf
- Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care – Are We Ready for the Graying of the HIV Epidemic?
- Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care – Revisiting Successful Aging with HIV Through a Revised Biopsychosocial Model: An Update of the Literature
Gavin Smith
- Emerging Infectious Diseases – Avian Influenza A(H9N2) Virus in Poultry Worker, Pakistan, 2015
Shenglan Tang
- Human Resources for Health – Analysis of Strategies to Attract and Retain Rural Health Workers in Cambodia, China, and Vietnam and Context Influencing Their Outcomes
- Infectious Diseases of Poverty – Experiences and Challenges in the Health Protection of Medical Teams in the Chinese Ebola Treatment Center, Liberia: A Qualitative Study
Linfa Wang
- Current Opinion in Virology – Viruses in Bats and Potential Spillover to Animals and Humans
- Emerging Infectious Diseases – Isolation and Full-genome Characterization of Nipah Viruses from Bats, Bangladesh
- Nature Microbiology – Characterization of a Filovirus (Měnglà Virus) from Rousettus Bats in China
Christopher Woods
Duan Zhao (MS student, Duke Kunshan), Catherine Staton, Blandina Theophil Mmbaga (DGHI adjunct), Joao Ricardo Nickenig Vissoci
- Frontiers in Public Health – Cross-Culture Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of the DrInC Questionnaire in Tanzanian Swahili
Truls Østbye
- BMJ Open – Longitudinal Associations of Gross Motor Development, Motor Milestone Achievement and Weight-for-length Z Score in a Racially Diverse Cohort of US Infants
- Preventive Veterinary Medicine – Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices towards Avian Influenza among Live Poultry Market Workers in Chongqing, China
Faculty, Affiliates, and Scholars: Want your publications listed in the monthly Research Roundup? Email the communications team with the citation or a link to the article! The sooner you email us, the better—we encourage you to let us know when your publication has been accepted.
- Nimmi Ramanujam,
- John Bartlett,
- Jane Blood-Siegfried,
- Tamara Fitzgerald,
- Henry Rice,
- Geraldine Dawson,
- Blandina Mmbaga,
- Dorothy Dow,
- Elizabeth Turner,
- Susan Emmett,
- Nathan Thielman,
- Catherine Staton,
- Gerald Bloomfield,
- Matthew Rubach,
- John A. Crump,
- João Ricardo Vissoci,
- Linfa Wang,
- Paul Lantos,
- Marc Jeuland,
- Sara LeGrand,
- David Matchar,
- Rae Jean Proeschold-Bell,
- Kathryn Whetten,
- Shenglan Tang,
- Chris Woods,
- Truls Ostbye (Østbye),
- Michael Relf